This is an eight course Frei that I built ten years ago. The belly was smashed but the bridge and rose survived so I inserted the rose into a new soundboard and got things back together.

Because of the demands on my time from other projects I work on the Checchucci only when I am assured that I will have several uninterrupted days. This is difficult work that requires focus.
I have finished assembling the 15 ribs of another Koch theorbo. This example will vary only in minor details from the one that I finished last fall. See my posts from 9/20/13 and 4/15/13.
At the end of last year I decided over the holiday season to get a good start on a Tieffenbrucher eleven course. The model an archlute, No. 41 (formerly C. 45) in Kunsthistorisches Museum, Vienna. I often build this lute as a ten course but my client wants to string and use it as a transitional era eleven retaining the old tuning. The lute still lacks its belly and rose.
Last year I replaced the fingerboard on a 1831 Panormo guitar that played hopelessly out of tune (see my post from 4/5/13). I took measurements and made various drawings and have now started to build a model. I am assembling it, Spanish style, without a mold on a solera.
I am photo-documenting all of my projects so I will be able to post at length on them in the near future.